
Morningstar Form Expressed Through a CNC Cutting Machine


In my first semester here at MIT, I was lucky to be accepted into Neil Gershenfeld's class, "How to Make (Almost) Anything" at the Media Lab.

Check out the work I did in this class on my class webpage, which includes the final project, "Morningstar Lightchamber."

It's been fun, extremely challenging, and ultimately liberating to learn digital fabrication methods. This week, I got to use a Shopbot, a computer numeric control (CNC) cutting mill, and I decided to express the morningstar form through this technique.

I used an inexpensive piece of OSD to create the form which began as a vectorized image.

The material required much post-prep after cutting in order to effectively depict a morningstar.

I decided to add strips of LEDs in between the layers to create a glowing star, which can be hung on the wall and plugged in to an outlet.
It's still a work in progress, but it was a great way to learn computer controlled cutting, I look forward to continuing with this tool to create unique and possibly useful forms!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome. The kids need a night light, this is perfect.
