During this virtual panel series, Indigenous leaders, artists and allies spoke about their work in the public realm, and addressed how public symbols perpetuating colonial myths affect the lives of Indigenous people in the city, contributing to the public health emergency of racism. It was live streamed through the Mayor's Office of Arts & Culture Boston Facebook page.
Facilitated by Erin Genia, Sisseton-Wahpeton Dakota, Artist-in-Residence, City of Boston
Part 1, July 21st
Speakers: Mahtowin Munro, Lakota, Co-leader of United American Indians
of New England and lead organizer for IndigenousPeoplesDayMA.org; Lilly E. Manycolors, mixed Choctaw, interdisciplinary artist
and scholar
class; Jean-Luc Pierite, Tunica-Biloxi Tribe of Louisiana,
President of the Board, North American Indian Center of Boston