
Grey Cloud Woman Bringing Rain

Mixed Media: gourd, ceramic, acrylic, plaster
13”h x 10”w x 10”d

Grey Cloud Woman, Mahpiyahotawin, brings life from delicate droplets. She transcends elemental phases to deliver the heavens to earth. Gracefully traversing a current of ocean air, Mahpiyahotawin gives her essence freely. Her mesmerizing, floating, flowing nature is a constant comfort. Depicted on the curves of a gourd, she shifts, moves her garment, and rain shimmers down. With the prolonged heat of summer, or the insatiable thirst of drought, I long for a cool shower over the dry land. With this piece, I honor Grey Cloud Woman, and call to her, asking her to bring the healing rain home.

rear detail

This work is available for auction to benefit the Potlatch Fund, can can be seen here.